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Portable Watermaker FAQs
Schenker's range of portable watermakers, the AquaTrek 30 & 50, are incredibly efficient portable desalination units and backed by Schenker's three-year warranty. Both quiet and reliable, these portable watermakers are ideal, even in the most remote locations.
Do you have a portable watermaker question? Find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions below or chat with our team today for help with your watermaker purchase.
WHY INSTALL A SCHENKER WATERMAKER?Traditionally a yacht is restricted in time & distance to the amount of fresh water carried in its tanks. Thanks to a watermaker an unlimited quantity of water can be produced increasing both time and distances achievable between harbours. The comfort of unlimited showers and freshwater improves life onboard. Racing crews don't need to carry volumes of water that may affect performance.
WHAT'S DIFFERENT ABOUT SCHENKER WATERMAKER?They are watermakers based on a new functioning principle that removes the need for high pressure pumps, which were used traditionally.
WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES?The consumed energy is up to 80% lower than a traditional system. A Schenker watermaker can be powered directly from the vessel's service batteries, is easy to use, doesn't require adjustments, is totally silent and vibration-free.
IS THE NEW TECHNOLOGY RELIABLE?The technology is more reliable than that of traditional watermakers as it doesn't use high pressure pumps, which are the main cause of failures and maintenance problems.
HOW MUCH FRESH WATER DO I NEED?It depends on the number of persons aboard. The daily average consumption of fresh water per person is about 25-30 litres. It means that a boat with 6 people needs about 180 litres of fresh water per day. For 2 persons onboard the Zen 30 is perfect, 4 persons go for the Zen 50 and try the Zen 100 for where your water demand is greater. We also have units up to 500 litres per hour.
IS THE INSTALLATION DIFFICULT? DO I NEED A NEW SEAWATER INTAKE?To install a Schenker watermaker is easy because the seawater intake is Tee'd from an existing outlet. It can be installed when the boat is in the water. The installation can be carried out by a shipwright and/or marine electrician. You can also install it yourself. Just follow the instructions in the operation and maintenance manual.
CAN THE SYSTEM BE RUN WHEN THE MOTOR IS OFF?Yes it can. It all depends on the capacity of the batteries. The Zen 30 & 50 come in a 12 or 24VDC system and 12 or 24VDC or 230VAC for the Zen 100. The Zen 30 has a power requirement of 110W, Zen 50 240W and Zen 100 400W. For the larger energy efficient Modular units please see the specifications on the website.
IF I DON'T HAVE SOLAR PANELS HOW LONG WILL THE ENGINE NEED TO BE RUN TO REPLACE THE CONSUMED ENERGY?Assuming that a Zen 30 watermaker system works 3 hours a day, the consumed energy is 9Ax3h = 27A. With a 80A alternator, the consumed energy is recharged in 20 minutes by the engine.
IS IT ADVANTAGEOUS TO INSTALL A WATERMAKER POWERED FROM THE SERVICES BATTERIES IF A GENERATOR IS FITTED TO THE BOAT?Even with a generator fitted to the boat, the new generation Schenker watermaker gives working flexibility. Why run the generator just to power a watermaker?
WHAT IS THE QUALITY OF THE FRESH WATER PRODUCED?A Schenker watermaker produces very high quality potable water. The reverse osmosis process is used all over the world to produce drinking water in areas that have limited freshwater available.
IS MAINTENANCE DIFFICULT?Maintenance is very easy. Watermakers like to be used regularly. If left standing for a month they will need flushing through. This operation can be performed automatically with electronic control or manually. During long standstills it will be necessary to flush the watermaker with biocide to avoid growth forming in the membrane.
ARE THERE ADDITIONAL RUNNING COSTS?The only consumable that must be replaced periodically (on average 1 or 2 times in a season) is the pre filter cartridge, which is inexpensive. The reverse osmosis membrane is expensive to replace but has an average life of 5 years if the maintenance manual instructions are carefully followed.
ARE SCHENKER WATERMAKERS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN TRADITIONAL SYSTEMS?The Schenker watermaker price is, on average, less than a traditional system and is certainly a lot cheaper to run.
IF I HAVE SOLAR PANELS WILL THEY BE SUFFICIENT TO MAINTAIN BATTERY LEVELS WHEN RUNNING THE WATER MAKER?It depends on the size of your solar panels and/or wind generator and efficiency of your solar charger. However, a Zen 30 only uses 110W (9 A on a 12VDC system and 4.5A on a 24VDC system) so a suitably sized solar arrange and house batteries should easily be able to maintain charge and operaton of the water maker.
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